Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in updating our blog!!!   Maybe it wouldn’t have been delayed if we had slayed some deer back during last year deer season…  It wasn’t from the lack of trying on our part.  Megan and I had a lot of close calls during bow season, but unfortunately they would get a whiff of our scent and off they would go.   Let me tell ya… it wasn’t because we didn’t try every product out there guarantee to erase our smell because we did.  It wasn’t because we got up and put makeup on. No, I for one spent most days looking like death warmed over-- you have no idea what some of those scent-away type products will do to a woman’s hair!

During rifle season we just didn’t see any deer—well, maybe one.  Megan and I were coming back in after our morning hunt and there around 175 yards stood this massive 8-10 point buck.  It just stood there looking at us, it was amazing. I slowly picked up my rifle, took aim and wouldn’t you know it, the safety was on. “You’ve got to be kidding me!!!!”  As I switched it off, the buck took off into the woods and was long gone.  *Note to self, when taking aim make sure safety is turned off*

We did get some great pictures of some rather large bucks on our deer cams. These big guys would come into Megan’s area around 8pm till 1am every evening.  Obviously that’s why they are so large-- too smart to come out during the day.

After a very disappointing, but fun, and educational deer season, we loaded up and are now planning and plotting for this year’s deer season.

Stay tuned!!!

Check out these amazing Pic's from Megan's Deer Cam

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