Megan had a chance...

October 16, 2012

And she blew it! Yes, I blew it. Had the shot. Didn't take it because the animal wouldn't stop when I made my grunt noise. I kinda froze. Didn't know what to do. Had yet to be instructed on what to do if the animal doesn't stop the first time (great excuse, huh?!?). I know, I know. Should have tried again and louder. Rookie mistake. I'm green. I'm learning. All honesty, no excuses here. Most disappointing aspect is that I was so self-assured and excited that she was mine; was going to have a dead animal on the ground. Everything couldn't have been more perfect. She was in my shooting lane about 20yds out, not completely broadside but close enough. Everything was there. Major fail.
To make matters worse, and fairly positive she was the same doe, she came back twice after the fact. It was like she was toying with me, and knew she had me beat. Literally laughing in my face.

I hung my head at the end of day. Could have said a few choice words in frustration. Oh well. Guess I'm a bit more determined to shoot one after this. I'm at the point where I'd rather hope for the best and shoot/miss, then not take a shot at all.
Luckily I can laugh at this now. I guess it is kind of funny.
Off to next weekend...

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