So yet another delayed POST!!!!!   I bet the only post that won't be delayed is when we finally slaughter a deer!!!

We took part in turkey season during this last spring. Let me tell you it was more fun then we could have imagined.

Mike and us girls headed out to deer camp in the early morning and walked out to the spot carrying the blind and bows. Don't think we were a 1/4 mile down the trace when Mike spotted a group of turkeys at the far end about 200 yds away. He told us to go ahead and get the blind set up where we were, and he would hide on the opposite side of the trace and start calling. Megan tossed her calls to him and he hid, while we quietly (as quiet as we could) got the blind situated. We were two giddy teenagers. 

At first we didn't think they would come back up where they just left, but it was just a matter of time before we heard the gobbles coming towards us...oh we were so excited!!!   With ever gobble we could tell they were getting closer and we were in shock!!!  I do remember some cuss words out of excitement being thrown around!!! 

Mind you we quickly realized that we had forgotten our rangefinders and binoculars that morning. We were going to have to wing it.

There they were 4 of them standing about 35 yards away, I took aim and then Megan said my husband was signaling to wait.   I lowered my bow, and that's when the turkeys changed directions and started to head to the other side of the trace heading straight for my husband.   I knew they were about 60 yards away but I had to take the shot.  I pulled back and the arrow look like it was going to hit, but nope dropped short. Megan pulls back she shoots, but some how grazes the blind with her arrow and drops short.

I asked my husband why I couldn't take the shot when they were just 35 yards away and he said "Oh I didn't realize they were that close, I couldn't see them!".... REALLY, REALLY!!!

With all the rain in Oklahoma our hunting spot was flooded out the following weekend. That was the only chance we had to hunt turkey but it's definitely been added to our spring activities for next year.  

Megan's Hunting Season Recap

Yes, know this is a very late post but thought I needed to do a short recap of my first deer season (before jumping to turkey!).
First season was great--couldn't have asked for a better experience. All the learning and all of the "firsts" was more than I could have asked for; deer grunting or stomping their feet and watching their behavior during rut. Everything was flat-out cool and more fun that I would've imagined. Can't say it enough--I love bowhunting! 
Looking back, I fondly recall sitting in a tree stand with pouring down rain and later learning that Mary had returned to camp 30min earlier. Or, another event where I thanked the heavens above for my tree harness as the wind blew my tree from one side to the next. A joy came from seeing the large bucks on the deer cams. Yes, it was during the late evening/early morning hours but still...big bucks were out there! (posted pics of one of the big guys below)
Had a couple opportunities, but I didn't nabbed a deer. I'm content. Sure, a bit of disappointment but gives me something to look forward to next season. A BIG "first" I'm ready for!

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in updating our blog!!!   Maybe it wouldn’t have been delayed if we had slayed some deer back during last year deer season…  It wasn’t from the lack of trying on our part.  Megan and I had a lot of close calls during bow season, but unfortunately they would get a whiff of our scent and off they would go.   Let me tell ya… it wasn’t because we didn’t try every product out there guarantee to erase our smell because we did.  It wasn’t because we got up and put makeup on. No, I for one spent most days looking like death warmed over-- you have no idea what some of those scent-away type products will do to a woman’s hair!

During rifle season we just didn’t see any deer—well, maybe one.  Megan and I were coming back in after our morning hunt and there around 175 yards stood this massive 8-10 point buck.  It just stood there looking at us, it was amazing. I slowly picked up my rifle, took aim and wouldn’t you know it, the safety was on. “You’ve got to be kidding me!!!!”  As I switched it off, the buck took off into the woods and was long gone.  *Note to self, when taking aim make sure safety is turned off*

We did get some great pictures of some rather large bucks on our deer cams. These big guys would come into Megan’s area around 8pm till 1am every evening.  Obviously that’s why they are so large-- too smart to come out during the day.

After a very disappointing, but fun, and educational deer season, we loaded up and are now planning and plotting for this year’s deer season.

Stay tuned!!!

Check out these amazing Pic's from Megan's Deer Cam